Hear Your Pets, Heal Your Pets

Animal Healings Customer Testimonials and Reviews - Animal communicator helps pet behavior issues

Written from the heart, here is a small sampling from our customers that have written about Animal Healings. They can help you understand how animal communication and Reiki for animals benefited their pet family with numerous types of dog, cat, bird, horses or any other pet behavior problems, lost pets and pet loss grief help situations.

They explain how we have helped their whole family in very specific and individualized ways. We are so grateful for all of our customers and their wonderful pet families! You can add your testimonial here...

Testimonials by Topics:

Pet Behavior Issues Resolved by Animal Communication & Reiki

All types pet behavior issues & problems can be resolved by animal communication behavior specialist & Reiki masters Thom & Jonquil. Below is a small sampling of the many pet families the Williams have helped by gaining an understanding of the pet's perspective of how they deal with our often complex human world.

Note: Jonquil Williams does all of the animal communication and Animal Reiki sessions now.

Pet Behavior Meditation MP3 to help pet parents shift the energy in their pet household.

Pet Behavior Problems | Reiki for Pets Session

animal communication with Sheltie rescue Tyler

"Demonstration of pure compassion"

I first discovered Animal Healings through my work in raising relief funds for Japan after the earthquakes and tsunami. Thom and Jonquil offered their services to help traumatized pets in the aftermath, and that demonstration of pure compassion made a deep impression on me.

In my own little world in Chicago, I have a Sheltie we adopted from St. Louis Sheltie Rescue. Tyler spent the first two years of his life in a puppy mill. He has made great strides, but there were still some cowering issues and wetting issues that needed some help. Animal Healings did a long-distance session with Tyler that made a profound difference. Thom's email brought tears to my eyes. He was able to communicate the results of the session beautifully and at a heart and soul-level. The session definitely bolstered Tyler's confidence in himself and his place in our family. Also, it helped me gain a new understanding of Tyler's point of view.

I wholeheartedly recommend Animal Healings and I wish I lived closer so we could also try some hands-on sessions with Tyler and his two Sheltie brothers Freddie and Gypsy! Thank you!

Jean - Chicago, IL

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Pet Behavior Problems | Urination Issues | Multi-Cat Home

animal communication with Sheltie rescue Tyler

" ...we could see progress in Lily’s behavior and she could understand what it felt like to be part of a loving family."

My husband and I rescued 2-year old Lily from the side of the road near a power plant a little over a year ago. She was emaciated, had an infection that caused her chin to be red and raw, sores in her mouth, part of her lip to be eaten away, and one of her paw pads was blackened to the point where the vet though it may need to be removed. She also had a hernia and tape worm. The vet estimated she had been on her own for at least a month to six-weeks. When we tried to integrate her with our other two 14-year old cats, she began marking, especially the living room carpeting. She also became very aggressive with our other cats. We had several sessions with Thom and Jonquil and after each session would see a little more improvement in her behavior. Every couple of sessions we would check in with our other cats as well to see how they were doing and if they had anything to say about their own comfort levels and Lily’s progress.

Since we did not know Lily’s background, it was difficult to determine what she needed, but through Thom and Jonquil’s work with her, we were better able to understand what she needed from us and she began to understand what we expected of her. I don’t think we would still have her today if it hadn’t been for our work with Thom and Jonquil. They were able to communicate what she and we needed so that we could see progress in Lily’s behavior and she could understand what it felt like to be part of a loving family where everyone is accepted and belongs.

Lily has stopped marking and is enjoying letting us love her. She seems to have make peace with our male cat and we are working on creating a better relationship between her and our female cat. Thanks to Thom and Jonquil’s patience, insight, and understanding, as well as their ability to communicate lovingly to all of our cats and us, we are well on our way to having a peaceful home again.

S Phillips - State College, PA

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Pet Behavior Problems | Medical Intuitive | Reiki Session | Dietary |

animal communication with Feral rescue cat Cluny

"Ultimately, I saw Cluny [originally feral rescue] walk himself into the carrier and sit down facing me without me even closing the door and just wait for me to take him to the doctor. "

I feel so lucky to have found Thom and gotten his guidance with my animals he opened up a whole new world for me in how I relate to all 3 of my animals, and has especially made a huge difference with my one rescue cat who has major trust issues. Every time Thom works with one of my animals I learn something new, and it continues to deepen my relationships with them.

I first contacted Thom a couple of months ago after researching animal communicators on the internet. My cat, Cluny, had been with me for about 4 and a half years. A local rescue group found him outside, probably at about 5 months of age he probably had always lived outside; adjusting to life inside my house was a struggle for him. Cluny would hover around where I, or the other animals were he had no problem with contact with the other animals but, if I approached him, he would run. And then he would come back and hover again. I didn't t know what to do because I felt like he wanted to be part of things, but was, at the same time, afraid to. Grooming him (he s long-haired) or going to the vet were always problems since catching him was pretty much traumatic for both of us! When I brought him home, I had my dog, Shana (female); after a year, I got my second cat, Valentino, in hopes that a very sociable, people-oriented cat (which he is) might help Cluny's trust issues. Unfortunately, we did not make great strides.

What caused me to contact Thom was that Cluny went through some behavior changes that said to me that he was clearly having medical issues. He was not eating and he had reverted to really hiding not just running way, really hiding, to where I often had no idea where he was. I was frantic with worry that I would lose him simply because I would not be able to get him basic medical attention. I had heard about animal communication but never had any personal experience. I was just hoping that someone could talk to Cluny and get him to let me help him.

From the moment I first spoke to Thom on the phone, I was comforted. His kindness, his gentleness basically, his heart comes across immediately. I knew if I felt it, so would Cluny. We had a long conversation, that first day Thom spoke to Cluny, asked my questions, got his responses, then relayed Cluny's comments back to me, and then we asked more questions based on that. We spoke about where he came from, why he is scared, does he know I love him (yes! Which meant a lot to hear), is he ok with the other animals in the house, how does he feel, and can he please let me take care of him so he can feel better.

Thom explained to him what needed to happen for us to go to the vet, how he needed to get into the carrier, and how I would be there the whole time and would be there to take him home. We finished with him giving Cluny a Reiki session. Oh, and we talked about me, too!...how responsive Cluny was to my anxiety, and how if I wanted to help him achieve more calm, I needed to really be offering that myself. Honestly, I hadn't thought about that, but as soon as Thom spoke about it, I knew it was true again, not only for Cluny, but really for all my animals.

Ultimately, I saw Cluny walk himself into the carrier and sit down facing me without me even closing the door and just wait for me to take him to the doctor. That was huge for him I could see in his eyes that he understood that I was going to help him; in the vet s office, he just buried his face into me and allowed her to examine him fully and even took 2 injections quietly. When we got home that night, he stayed in my arms all night, which was very special.

Read more of Cindy & Cluny's beautiful testimonial

Cindy K - Wayne, NJ

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Pet Behavior Problems - Defication (Poohing) Problem |

Luna stopped poohing on the bed after one animal communication session

"I am very pleased to have my potty trained Luna back!"

[From a pet parent who fosters cats with her forever cat family. We did one animal communicator behavior session with her male cat Luna to help his poohing on the bed issue.]

I hesitated to write because I wanted to be sure things stuck, almost a week after you communicated with him, Luna pooped on the bed just one time ... but it was also a day that the female cat's new adopting mom contacted me to update me on how she is assimilating in her new home. She shared a lot of stories and pictures and for half the day. I was emotionally focused on the female cat (I had totally fallen in love with her while she was with us) ... SO my sense is that Luna was feeling my energy being directed towards the female cat that day, and maybe that's why he went back to pooping on the bed.

The good news is that he only did so that one time! It has been over 2 weeks since you communicated with him, and with the exception of that one day, he has been doing great! No issues or accidents whatsoever.

I am very pleased to have my potty trained Luna back!

Thanks so much for your animal communication service.

Alina J. Minneapolis, MN

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Pet Behavior Problems | Urination Problem

McGuire helped by animal communication stopped urniation issues

"Become more affectionate and requesting of attention"

I was very, very pleased with the session and the results. The hottest issue was her using beds, towels, etc as alternates for her litter box, especially when I was house sitting ... HUGE improvement. I put a litter box next to where she hides and she's used it. YEAH!!! Usually, she has to share "time"in communication sessions with McGuire. They go back and forth like siblings and that is fine, but it was interesting to focus on her.

We've come a LONG way since she first came into the house. She was very, very aloof and didn't like being held, petted or touched. She still isn't fond of being held, unless she initiates it - and then only if I'm sitting down. She has become more affectionate and requesting of attention - but it seems to have increased since you spoke to her. I knew she loved me - but hearing it verbalized did my heart a LOT of good. Until her comments to you, I didn't realize she had thought love might be limited. Her comments of McGuire being an extension of her fluffy tail, cracked me up.

I completed the house-sitting assignment. She did very, very well. I listened to your suggestions. She has one bed she can hide under - and she loves to sleep under it ... I moved a storage bin with litter next to the bed. The nights she stayed in the house, she used that litter box! She loves to sleep under that bed, especially during the day. I laughed out loud at her comments about washing McGuire feet. It makes him quiver and giggle - how humorous; but the best line "What's a hairball between friends!" is priceless!!!!

Carol. H. - Orlando, FL

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Pet Behavior Problems | Family Home Changes

animal communication solved dog family issues

"They became essentially four totally different dogs"

In the course of a lifetime, there are few times when the word comforted truly impresses the senses and psyche. You may have experienced a sense of deep comfort when, as a small child, your mother drew you into her lap and rocked you as she investigated ways she might ease your disharmony. Or perhaps you felt a sense of comfort when, after a traumatic event, teams of professionals arrived on the scene to help. The dictionary definition for comfort is: a feeling of freedom from worry or disappointment; relief. At a time when my life was disrupted, uncertain, and emotionally charged, I can say that the compassionate, professional way with which Jonquil communicated the situation to my family of four Parson’s Terriers was without a doubt the most comforting experience I have had in a very long time.

Before Jonquil communicated with my Terriers, they were full of anxiety. They expressed this in the form of exaggerated neediness. This added to my daily stress significantly. After I wrote down what I needed them to understand asking them to think carefully about the options I had described, Jonquil thoughtfully and deliberately delivered my message to everyone. A follow up session was offered so they could think about their choices and form a consensus among them. After the first session, I noticed immediately they were all much calmer but visibly saddened by the news Jonquil had delivered. In the days that followed, the mom and dad terrier had more resolve and the two pups, even though initially sad and a bit confused, became more at ease showing signs of coming to terms with their choices. They became essentially four totally different dogs. They were much more patient with my absences and there was no more anxious needy behavior from any of them. It was amazing! It was an incredible relief to me, to all of us. Jonquil was very thorough relaying their responses to me in a timely manner. Knowing this information brought me much needed peace of mind which opened more possibilities about the direction I could take regarding keeping my little family together or finding them another forever home.

The deep level of comfort I experienced sensing and trusting Jonquil’s empathic skills and the kindhearted integrity with which she communicated with our little family as well as her willingness to go the extra mile to give them all time to decide what they wanted created a positive and warm impression which lasts to this day. This experience changed any doubts I had previously had about this newly emerging modality into stalwart belief in Jonquil’s empathic talents and in the field of animal communication overall.

I remain forever grateful to Jonquil for her thoughtful responses, keen guidance, and professionalism as she assisted us in moving forward through our transition with a much greater sense of comfort and ease.

Iris H.- Englewood, FL

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Pet Behavior Problems

animal communication solved behavior problem for Indie the dog

"Changed my relationship with her"

I've been working with dogs for more than 20 years, training, showing, grooming and breeding. In all my years there really hasn't been a behavior problem I couldn't solve or at least understand. Indie's barking is the first problem I couldn't get to the bottom of, mainly because of the lack of consistency, and sometimes inappropriate nature. I asked Thom to speak with her, to try to understand where she was coming from, and I was surprised by the outcome! She had many different reasons for her vocal outbursts ranging from "I don't like the way they move" to "I want them to be happy." Over the next couple of weeks I watched her interact with people at the store and looked at each barking episode from her point of view. I could then see the difference of each situation and was able to handle each one individually in a more effective way. Having Thom speak with her has changed my relationship with her for the better, and we seem to be understanding each other in a much better way!

Kristina - San Francisco, California

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Pet Behavior Problems | Diet

"Much happier now"

I contacted Jonquil Williams in regard to some issues I was having with my cat, Snowflake. We had recently bought my son a new bed and Snowflake would no longer sleep with my son, which he always did prior to us getting the new bed. Since my son missed sleeping with him I wanted to find out why he wouldn't go near the new bed. Snowflake also seemed unhappy with his dry food. I wanted to know if it was my imagination or was he really dissatisfied with his food. The last thing I addressed with Jonquil was that Snowflake had started scratching my living room rug which he always steered clear of before. Why did his behavior change and he no longer scratched his scratching box?

Jonquil was able to successfully communicate with Snowflake. He basically said that he was unhappy with the new bed because we got rid of the old one without consulting him first (he had worked very hard to break in the old bed with his smells) and that the new bed had a funny smell that he didn’t like. He said he wants to sleep with my son again because he watches over him. Jonquil explained that it would take some time for the mattress smell to wear off but that she’d ask us to air it out. He also said that his food was alright but maybe a wet food would be nice once in awhile. As far as the rug scratching he indicated that he liked the attention he got when he scratched it and its texture.

Jonquil worked with us as a family and negotiated some changes. Based on her recommendations, Snowflake has not yet returned to the bed but he does sleep on the floor of my son's room, which is a big improvement in such a short time. Snowflake also seems much happier now that he has a variety with his food and since my husband made him a new scratch post with carpeting, he no longer is destroying my rug.

Jonquil was very helpful and I am so glad I sought her help.

Joy, Huntington, NY

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Thom Williams animal communicator solves behavoir problems in pets

Pet Behavior Problems

"Remains on the couch with the rest of us couch potatoes"

For ten years, our dog Lou watched animal shows on our sturdy old TV, jumping and barking at scenes she especially enjoyed. We thought it was cute until we purchased a new (Flat Screen) TV and realized that Lou might get seriously hurt if she jumped at it and it toppled over. Rather than reprimand her for something she'd done her whole life, we just quickly switched off any shows with animals. After a few months she started glaring at me when I turned on the TV and I knew she was thinking, "Why don't we ever watch what I want to watch anymore?"

I contacted Thom, and asked him to explain to Lou that she could watch animal shows if she wouldn't jump at the TV. After Thom's communication sessions, I turned on an animal show. Lou jumped off the couch, but sat at my feet instead of running for the TV. She did this a few times, and now just remains on the couch, with the rest of us couch potatoes. We thank Thom for restoring an activity that she enjoys so much

TW- Olympia, WA

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Pet Behavior Problems & Diet

"Zeek has not jumped on anyone "

"Thom's session with my dog Zeek was so wonderful. We have had problems with Zeek jumping on us and visitors whenever we would walk through the front door. I asked Thom to work with Zeek on this issue. Now, Zeek has not jumped on anyone! I still can't believe it! Thom was also able to share some things from Zeek that made me laugh out loud!! I found out how much and why Zeek dislikes his baths (it was the smell of the soap) and how much he loves his "gravy" (which is a raw egg I mix in with his food every now and then). I am so thankful to Thom and his ability!"

Teresa - Ft. Myers, Florida

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Pet Behavior Problems | Negotiation

"Peaceful, strong, loving nature "

We consider ourselves blessed to have Thom in our lives and consider him a part of our family. Thom has been a loving, supportive part of our journey together and has truly helped to improve and clarify the lines of communication between us. Thom has been able to convey concerns, in both directions, in a way that has produced immediate results. Not only has Thom been able to catch things before they become an issue, he has been able to provide much insight and clarity to behavior that would otherwise have been very confusing to me. Thom has been integral in conveying difficult and complex concepts in a way that has brought both clarity and understanding to both me and my pets. The guidance and confirmation has been invaluable in strengthening my own ability to communicate more clearly with my pets. His peaceful, strong, loving nature has truly supported our continued growth and ever greater understanding of animal communication and animal-human relationships. We are so blessed to have his compassionate, strong, healing presence in our lives. Thank you Thom!

Brooke. - Carmel Valley, California

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Lost Pet | Pet Beahvior Problems | PTSD | Pet Loss Grief Support

say goodbye to beloved pets

"...helped us navigate the entire spectrum of issues and concerns a pet owner experiences "

“Thom and Jonquil have helped us navigate the entire spectrum of issues and concerns a pet owner experiences. We've had missing cats, cats with pet behavioral issues, PTSD, terminal illnesses and more. They helped us say goodbye to beloved pets and hello to new ones. Being able to communicate with a rescue pet who has no way of telling you what he's gone through is invaluable.

new pet introductions

And when you have to say goodbye, and your cat says (through Thom), “Please don't be sad, throw a party and celebrate my life”, it makes all the difference in the world. My life would be profoundly different had Thom not communicated Marco's dying wish that we celebrate his life instead of crying.”

Teri McCready, Reno, NV

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Hear your pets - heal your pets ™

Schedule Your Animal Communication / Reiki Session

We work with any species of animal or pet with convenient animal communication by phone and distance Animal Reiki sessions, no matter where you are located. Your animal family gets to stay in the comfort of their home.

Additional Testimonials

He spoke with Zoe after he passed and gave me closure. He also told me things no one else could possibly know, but me and My Friend Zoe.... I highly recommend Thom's Services. It is hard and I take one day at a time, but at least I know Zoe is in a better place. Read more of Angelique T. Crown Point, IN pet loss grief support testimonial

"Sensitivity and respect" Read more from Karen, Sarasota, FL animal communication testimonial

"Both Nikki and I were relieved" Read More from Martha of San Francisco, CA animal communicator testimonial

"...we could see progress in Lily’s behavior and she could understand what it felt like to be part of a loving family." S Phillips, State College, PA animal communication behavior testimonial

"Eye opening experience..." Read more from Mary L, Alaska new pet introduction communication testimonial

"This cat, who was once miserable and untouchable, now seeks out touch and likes to be brushed. " Read more of Christie S, Syracuse, IN feral cat animal communication testimonial

"He's a real diplomat between people and their pets." Read more from J.C. Pasadena, Maryland multi-cat house animal communicator testimonial

"Peaceful, strong, loving nature" Read more from Brooke. of Carmel Valley, California animal communicator testimonial

"They seemed to settle the ground I was standing on" Read more of Tisha V, Gainesville, Florida pet loss grief support testimonial

"I realize that this world...is much more then we realize" Read more from Karen K, Nokomis, Florida pet loss grief support testimonial

"Demonstration of pure compassion" Read more from Jean of Chicago, Illinois pet reiki and communication testimonial

What an Xray revealed, Brewster told us 30 days before! Read more from Beverly of Ft. Meyers, FL intuitive medical scan testimonial

I have a Sheltie rescue...spent the first two years of his life in a puppy mill. Animal Healings did a long-distance session with Tyler that made a profound difference. Read the rest of Jean , Chicago, IL testimonial about Tyler distance healing session

Reiki Music - 10 Song Album

by Thom Williams - Energy Healing in Rock/Jazz Music